New Hampshire Astronomical Society
Google recently changed some of the security and privacy settings on their calendar, and this may cause problems viewing the embedded NHAS calendar on this site.
We don't have all the details, and they are reportedly working on it, but here is a workaround...
The problem seems to be related to "third party cookies". You are visiting nhastro.com, but Google may be trying to set a google.com cookie related to the calendar. These "third party cookies" are frequently
used for advertiser tracking, and recent browsers, like Apple Safari, are set to block them by default. There is a place in
Safari -> Settings... to allow this type of tracking, but I do not recommend changing that:

Instead, visit nhastro.com, then go to the Safari menu and look for
Settings for nhastro.com...

Once there, uncheck the box that says
Enable content blockers

That seems to work for now, but as Google keeps changing their code, who knows?
©2025 New Hampshire Astronomical Society • P.O. Box 5823 • Manchester, NH 03108-5823